A Special Place - Bill White
A Thing Incredible - Bill White
The Easter Enigma - John Wenham
The Weekend that changed the World - Peter Walker
The Garden Tomb, Golgotha and the Garden of the Resurrection - The Garden Tomb Association
The Garden Tomb and Resurrection Garden - The Garden Tomb Association
The Garden Tomb, Jerusalem - C.C Dobson
The Search for the Empty Tomb of Jesus - Willian.S.McBirnie
Reflections in Palestine - Charles George Gordon
Tent Work in Palestine - Claude Conder
The City of Jerusalem - Claude Conder
Where He Dwelt - Dr A.T. Schofield
With Christ in Palestine - Dr A.T. Schofield
The Garden Tomb: Was Jesus Buried Here? - Gabriel Barkey.
The Holy Land (Archaeological Guide) - Jerome Murphy-O’Connor
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Email: obc.church@yahoo.co.uk
Sundays at 11am and 6pm
Cheney School Hall
Cheney Lane - Headington
Oxford - England - UK