

obc evangelismWe believe that the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation and we are committed to fulfil the commandment of Jesus to share the Good News of God's Love. Church members are involved in a variety of outreaches in Barton and the Oxford town centre, in conjunction with people from other churches, such as Healing on the Streets. Many thousands of our Good News leaflets have been distributed by church members throughout Oxford. The church also helps to support two lay-evangelists, one who works with youth in Oxford and the other ministering to students in the city.
Y.O.B (Youth On Barton). Since 2006 we have had a team working every other Saturday on the Barton Estate. Providing various activities for young people of all ages, with sports, games and even cookery. The work of Y.O.B., alongside other Christian groups on the estate has had a postive impact on the local community.
Love Oxford
We join together with other churches in Oxford in various outreaches under the banner of "Love Oxford".
Churches Together in Headington
We join together with other churches in Headington in reaching the local community, especially through the Headington Fun Day at Bury Knowle Park in the Summer.
Nursing Home Ministry
We have a nursing home ministry that holds services every fortnight in the Close Nursing Home, Burcot

Other Ministries

There are a number of other ministries that contribute to the life of Oxford Bible Church and provide opportunities to serve the Lord.

  • Praise and Worship Team
  • Ushers & Communion Helpers
  • Set-Up Team
  • Sound Team
  • Hospitality Team
  • CD Production
  • Book Table
  • Children's/Youth Workers
  • Administration


obc youthYouth Church
For ages, 13-16. We appreciate the special challenges and many pressures that teenagers face in their formative years. Youth Church provides the chance for them to ask the difficult questions about life and find the answers they need. We seek to inspire our young people to follow Christ, when often the pressure from their peers and the world around them would pull them in wrong directions. By equipping them with the Word of God they discover that the Bible is relevant to their lives, providing a firm foundation for a successful life.
Youth Church is provided for every Sunday morning Service, after the praise and worship. On occasion the young people go out into town to share their faith on the streets. They have also prepared short dramas to present to the church.
In addition there are outings for Youth Church, whether its a social meal or something more educational, such as a trip to the British Museum. In the Summer a group travel to Somerset for the Soul Survivor camp where they enjoy worship, fellowship and teaching with thousands of other young people.

Students / Young Adults


IDentity Logo
iDentity: for 18-35s
Leaders: Jacob Masih, Akash Kumar, Michelle Masih & Catherine Mohamed.
iDentity is a relationship building social group, focused on connecting young people together under one banner. A great way for newcomers to OBC to get to know each other and also to bring friends to church, iD is the place to have fun, meet new people, network and become part of the growing church family. Find iD on Facebook.



obc childrens churchChildrens Ministry
At Oxford Bible Church we fully appreciate the challenges parents face in bringing up their children to know and love the Lord. We want children to learn the Word of God, so they become strong in their faith, but also so they would enjoy being at church. We provide relevant, inspiring, age-appropriate Bible teaching for children in both morning and evening Services. After praise and worship the children are dismissed to their respective age groups.
Superchurch, ages 7-12
Junior Church, ages 5-7
Kinderchurch, ages 3-5
In addition, a nursery room is provided where parents can take babies and toddlers if necessary. An audio feed is provided so parents can still listen to the sermon.



About Us



Bible Commentary





OBC Office

363 Banbury Road
Oxford - England - UK
Telephone: +44 (0)1865 515086
Fax: +44 (0) 8721 107068

Sunday Services

Sundays at 11am and 6pm
Cheney School Hall
Cheney Lane - Headington
Oxford - England - UK