Daniel’s 70 Weeks
by Derek Walker
Daniel’s 70 Weeks
Chapter 1: An Overview
Chapter 2: The 70 Weeks
Chapter 3: The Starting Point for Daniel's Seventy Weeks
Chapter 4: Calculation and Fulfilment of the 70 Weeks
Chapter 5: The 70th Weeks compared
Appendix 1: Dispensational Interpretations compared
Appendix 2: Anderson-Hoehner Interpretation (a Critique)
Appendix 3: When did the Jewish Year start?
Appendix 4: The Day the Sun stopped Shining
Appendix 5: When the Moon turned to Blood
Appendix 6: Israel’s 490 Year Cycles
Appendix 7: The 3 Days and 3 Nights
Appendix 8: Charts on the Chronology of the Life of Christ
Appendix 9: Chronology of the Tribulation
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