
Thank you for choosing to sow a financial seed into the vision of Oxford Bible Church. Your donation allows us to further the Gospel and spread the teaching of God's Word, not only in Oxford but in the nations of the world.

Your faithful giving will be used for the purpose of expanding the vision by the means of materials, church outreachs, missions and the ongoing needs of our community and nation.

Through our weekly TV Programme, Into the Word, we are sharing the Good News around the world on GOD TV and Revelation TV, across Africa via Lighthouse TV (Uganda) and El-Shaddai TV (Ethiopia), throughout the Russian speaking world on Good News Channel and also on JCTV Pakistan and Shalom TV Israel.

All of this is made possible by your generous support - thank you!

To give online, for one-time donations or monthly gifts, simply press the donate button, you will then be taken through Paypal's secure checkout process.

You can also make a direct donation by Bank Transfer:

Oxford Bible Church Trust LTD

Account Number: 43613585

Sort Code: 20-65-18


To set up a Standing Order with your bank for regular giving - Download Standing Order Form


Gift Aid Form


If you would like to sow seed by means of cheque, make it payable to Oxford Bible Church posting it to:

Oxford Bible Church, 363 Banbury Road - Oxford - England - UK - OX2 7PL