What Does It Mean To Be A Christian?

A Christian is a believer in Jesus Christ but what does this mean? 

What do Christians believe and what difference does it make anyway?

The Bible makes it clear that we are all guilty in the sight of God, for 'all have sinned and fall short of God's glory' (Romans 3:23). 

Our own experience tells us that we often fail to come up to our own standards let alone God's standard of perfection. This means that man cannot save himself.   No amount of good works, religious rituals or trying hard will impress God enough to allow you into heaven. It's as impossible as swimming the Atlantic!

God is love and therefore does not want to punish us. He wants us all to go to heaven. However, the Bible also reveals that He is Holy and Just and therefore must punish sin. He cannot turn a blind eye to sin. Just as a human judge must pronounce sentence upon a criminal, so God also must punish the guilty. Otherwise He would be unjust.

Therefore man is under the sentence of death. However, God loved us so much that He sent His own Son, Jesus Christ.   Jesus is the unique God-man. The Bible reveals that He is true God, the Creator of the universe. 2000 years ago God became a man, clothing Himself in human flesh. As a man Jesus lived a perfect life but it is His death that is of supreme importance.

When Jesus hung on the cross, the sin of mankind was laid on Him. He paid the penalty for our sins and purchased a place in Heaven for us. When He cried 'It is finished' he was announcing that He had paid the price in full. He died and was buried and on the third day he rose again and is alive for evermore! He now offers us the gift of eternal life which He has purchased through His death.

Now it's up to you!  The Bible says that: 'God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.' (John 3:16)

Do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God, that He died for your sins and rose again the third day? If so you can reach out and receive His free-gift of eternal life. This involves TRUSTING Jesus Christ for eternal life instead of trusting in your own goodness.

Would you like to receive the gift of eternal life? It involves receiving JESUS as your Lord and Saviour. Jesus said, 'Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him, and dine with him and he with Me' (Revelation 3:20). When He comes in he comes as your Saviour.  He forgives your sins and gives you eternal life. He also comes in as your Lord for he is your God. So trusting in Jesus Christ as your Saviour also means surrendering to him as your Lord.

You can have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. 

Say this prayer from your heart to God to receive Jesus and His gift of eternal life. 'All who call on the name of the Lord Jesus shall be saved.' (Romans 10:17)

Dear God, 

I come to you, 

I confess that I have sinned.   I have gone my own way 

Thank you for sending Jesus, 

I believe He is the Son of God. 

I believe that on the cross he paid the penalty for my sins. 

I believe that He rose again on the third day. 

Please forgive my sin. 

Right now, Jesus, I invite you into my heart. 

I receive you as my Saviour and Lord. 

I receive the gift of eternal life. 

I give my life to you. 

I trust you alone for my eternal life. 

Thank you for saving me.       Amen.

Jesus Himself said, 'Truly I say to you, whosoever believes in Me has eternal life.' (John 6:47)

If you prayed this prayer, or if you want more information, please write or email us, or phone, and we would be pleased to send you some free literature.

If you prayed this prayer: WELCOME TO THE FAMILY OF GOD!